Released in July 2004 the Spiderman 2 figure by medicom toy has become very hard to get your hands on. It was a limited run of 1000pcs and with the popularity of the Movie and the lack of quality 1/6 releases for Spiderman this guy became very hot property. I currently own all the Spiderman movie releases from medicom and this figure is my favorite of the bunch.
When he was originally released Spidey was available for ¥17,640 (180USD) granted the USD was a lot stronger in 2004 but this little guy is not a cheap purchase! If you can find him for under $250 on eBay your onto a good thing. I got an absolute steal on this figure from a good friend of mine on the mediworld boards (gatakfc) so how could I pass him up. This piece isn’t going to be picked up by your casual collector. It’s a pretty expensive and hard acquisition for a serious collector so you guys know what you’re getting yourself into already.
The box art is very cool on this release, you have the image of Spidey’s face on the front of the box from the movie. Its a flap style box with the Velcro attachment to hold it down. When you open the flap is when your treated to some excellent packaging. Instead of medi's standard window you get a web shaped window. While this may impede your view of the figure a little I really like the effect. On the left side of the flap you have an image of Spidey crouching with a clear embossed SM logo and some buildings in the back ground. The image of Spidey crouching is a little confusing because the back ground is of high rise buildings and he is crouching in mid air. It may have been better to have him swinging or something but it still a nice graphic. In true medi fashion there is pretty much no info about the figure on the box but hey its Spiderman 2 what more do u need 2 know.
The accessories are a big point of contention for me on all the movie Spiderman releases from medicom. An extra set of hands is all you get!!!!!!! Worst of all there are no fists. This really annoys the crap out of me. Spidey is a fist fighter, sure he uses his web but when it comes down 2 a fight he is bare knuckle brawling right?? I find it inexcusable to not have a set of fists on a Spiderman character. So you get a web slinging hand a spread finger wall crawling hand and 2 boring old open palm hands. I know a lot of people display their figures just standing straight up but on a Spiderman figure this is a waste. An extra wall crawling hand and fists are sorely missed on this guy. The hands he comes with limits the possibility, no fighting stance no wall crawling stance and you wipe out half of Spideys best moves. The hands you do get are a perfect sculpt, they have the raised webbing like the face. They are made of squishy soft plastic that holds the shape very well which i kind of like. The peg connecting the hand to the arm has a small articulated paddle and the squishy hands push onto that. The good thing about this design is your not going to break it, the bad thing is once u tuck his costume over the glove you get a little box shape on the wrist, its not that noticeable but its there.
The costume is where this guy really shines! the costume looks very screen accurate although the blue may be a bit off. Obviously there is going to be limitations on how they can design the costume in 1/6 due to all the cgi in the movie but they really captured it well. The costume itself is made from a kind of heavy duty spandex, the stitching is amazing you cant really see any seams on this guy (i shudder to think what would happen if i ever needed to replace the body). The best part of the whole costume is the webbing detail, its fantastic! The webbing is raised on top of the spandex and there is no slop i mean not a line is out of place it’s very impressive. The color also fits in perfectly with the plastic on the hands and the boots. There is a little problem with the webbing on the hands not being as wide as on the forearms where it connects but its minor. The boots are done out of a great soft plastic and look very good.
After owning the Spiderman 3 figures i was nervous about posing this guy but because of the spandex suit you can get awesome poses out of him. I’ve said before that the RAH is the best 1/6 body on the market and it holds true with this guy. He isnt as pose able as the comic Spidey and im a little tentative 2 torture him 2 much because of his value but your going to get alot of good poses out of him, only limited by his hands or lack thereof :P
I really like the head sculpt on him, alot of people say they think the head looks to small but i disagree, i think in some photos it may look that way but in hand it looks perfect. The webbing on the head is raised and the lines are very clean just like on the costume, the shape of the face looks good and there is definition where the nose should be and good definition on the chin.
Personally i wasn’t a fan of the movies (toby mcguire?!?!?) but being a big Spiderman fan I thought I should have this and i wasn’t disappointed. If you are a Spiderman fan such as myself you have to get this piece, it sucks about the lack of hands but it really is a stunning figure. He is by far and away the best 1/6 Spidey available whether or not you are a fan of the movies. I also think he is a figure that wont lose much value, even though medicom is in a bit of a slump at the moment i cant see any other 1/6 manufactures revisiting the sp2 license so feel some comfort in that as your forking over your life savings
I’m going to give Medicom's Spiderman 2 a 9/10 he would have got a perfect score if it wasn’t for the total lack of accessories.
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